Managing orders

You can check order history in your SNOWBEY account.

Order History

You can fully control your orders in your account:

  • Order Number: a reference number for further inquiry
  • Date Purchased
  • Order Status: canceled, awaiting payment, payment confirmed, in progress, shipped, delivered
  • Order Amount
  • Tracking number

You can click the order number to get more order details of products ordered:

  • Products photos
  • Products quantities
  • Color/size
  • Unit price
  • Subtotal
  • Shipping cost
  • Discount

Write a Review

For the whole purchase experience, you can write a review.

Write a Review

  • Rating: from 5 stars (best) to 1 star (very bad)
  • SKU: the SKU of the product purchased
  • Review: description of the shopping experience
  • Name: would show beside the review
  • Email: to receive updates (wouldn't show publicly)
  • Photos: real shots of products received

Search for Orders

If you place the order before signing, the order might not show in your account order history. Thus, you can search it via the order number and payer's email, and you can save it to your account for further check (note: the order wouldn't be saved if it was already connected with another account). You can also submit a support ticket in the account if you couldn't search for the orders.

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