Leaving feedback

Once you have completed your order, you can give feedback.

Confirm Receipt

Login to your SNOWBEY and click on "Orders" under your account. Find the orders with the status "Shipped", you can click the button "Confirm Receipt" on the order's detail page.

Leave Feedback

For the whole purchase experience, you can give feedback by leaving a review for us to improve service.

Write a Review

  • Rating: from 5 stars (best) to 1 star (very bad)
  • SKU: the SKU of the product purchased
  • Review: description of the shopping experience
  • Name: would show beside the review
  • Email: to receive updates (wouldn't show publicly)
  • Photos: real shots of products received

Modify Feedback

Once the feedback has been left, it cannot be changed.

Some comments might be deleted without notification because of false information, offensive language etc.

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